What is Angiogenesis?

Angiogenesis is a fundamental biological process that involves the formation of new blood vessels from the ones already present. This process is crucial for various physiological functions, including growth, development, and wound healing. Also, angiogenesis plays a significant role in certain pathological conditions, like cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

In this article, we will explore what angiogenesis is, examining its fundamental processes, key regulators, and critical roles in physiological conditions. We will also delve into how understanding angiogenesis can lead to new therapeutic approaches for treating a variety of diseases.


Angiogenesis is derived from the Greek words “angio,” meaning vessel, and “genesis,” meaning creation or formation. The process begins when endothelial cells, which line the blood vessels, start to proliferate and migrate. These cells then form new capillary tubes that eventually develop into functional blood vessels. Angiogenesis is a strictly regulated process involving numerous signalling molecules and growth factors.

The Phases of Angiogenesis

The phases of angiogenesis include:

Endothelial Cell Activation

Angiogenesis begins when endothelial cells are activated. This activation is often triggered by hypoxia (low oxygen levels), which induces the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and other pro-angiogenic factors.

Degradation of the Basal Lamina

A layer of extracellular matrix surrounding blood vessels, called the basal lamina, is degraded by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). This degradation allows endothelial cells to migrate into the surrounding tissue.

Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Migration

Activated endothelial cells start to grow and move toward the source of the angiogenic signal. They form sprouts that extend into the surrounding tissue.

Formation of New Capillaries

As the endothelial cells continue to increase and migrate, they organise into tubular structures that eventually form new capillaries. This process involves the recruitment of pericytes and smooth muscle cells, which provide stability to the newly formed vessels.

Maturation and Remodeling

The maturation process involves stabilising and remodelling the newly created blood vessels. It requires the recruitment of extra supporting cells and the deposition of components of the extracellular matrix.

Key Regulators of Angiogenesis

Several growth factors and signalling pathways regulate angiogenesis:

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)

VEGF is one of the most critical regulators of angiogenesis. It stimulates endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and new vessel formation. Elevated levels of VEGF are often associated with tumour growth and metastasis.

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)

FGF promotes endothelial cell proliferation and plays a role in the early stages of angiogenesis. It also supports the growth of fibroblasts and other cells involved in tissue repair and regeneration.

Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)

PDGF is involved in the recruitment and stabilisation of pericytes and smooth muscle cells. These cells are essential for vessel maturation. It helps to reinforce the structure of new blood vessels and support their long-term stability.

Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β)

TGF-β regulates endothelial cell proliferation and contributes to the maturation and stabilisation of blood vessels. It plays a dual role, promoting vessel stabilisation while also influencing extracellular matrix remodelling.


Angiopoietins (Ang-1 and Ang-2) are involved in the maturation and stabilisation of blood vessels. Ang-1 promotes vessel stabilisation, while Ang-2 can destabilise vessels and promote sprouting, thus modulating the balance between vessel growth and remodelling.

Notch Signaling

The Notch signalling pathway regulates endothelial cell differentiation and vessel formation, ensuring that new blood vessels form correctly and integrate into existing networks. It also helps coordinate the density and pattern of blood vessels in tissues.

Angiogenesis in Physiological Processes

Angiogenesis is vital for several physiological processes:

Embryonic Development

Angiogenesis plays a noteworthy role in the development of the circulatory system during embryogenesis, which provides growing tissues with nutrition and oxygen. This early vascular network is essential for the healthy growth and operation of limbs and organs.

Wound Healing

Angiogenesis enhances tissue regeneration and repair by bringing new blood vessels to the wounded area, aiding in the healing process after an injury. In addition, this procedure facilitates the transfer of immune cells to the injury site and aids in the removal of cellular debris.


The menstrual cycle involves cyclical changes in the endometrial lining of the uterus, which includes angiogenesis to support the growth and shedding of the endometrial tissue. This dynamic vascular remodelling ensures the endometrium can regenerate effectively each cycle.

Exercise and Muscle Growth

Physical exercise stimulates angiogenesis in muscle tissues, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery, which enhances muscle growth and endurance. Increased vascularisation supports improved performance and recovery by providing a better supply of metabolic substrates and the removal of waste products.

Angiogenesis in Disease

Angiogenesis also plays a significant role in various pathological conditions:


Blood flow is necessary for tumour growth and metastasis. Angiogenic factors, like VEGF, are frequently secreted by tumour cells in an attempt to promote the development of new blood vessels. This mechanism is the main focus of tumour angiogenic therapies, which include anti-VEGF medications and aim to deprive tumours of blood flow.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Anomalies like atherosclerosis may progress more quickly due to abnormal angiogenesis. On the other hand, in diseases like coronary artery disease, where new blood vessels can help improve heart function and restore blood flow to ischaemic areas, encouraging angiogenesis might be advantageous.

Eye Diseases

Abnormal angiogenesis in the retina can cause visual loss from diseases, including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Anti-angiogenic treatments, which frequently involve VEGF activity-blocking injections, are used to prevent the formation of aberrant blood vessels and maintain vision.

Chronic Inflammation

Inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can involve abnormal angiogenesis, leading to persistent inflammation and tissue damage. The formation of new blood vessels can exacerbate inflammation by increasing the supply of immune cells and inflammatory mediators to the affected tissues.

Therapeutic Approaches Targeting Angiogenesis

Understanding angiogenesis has led to the development of various therapeutic strategies:

Anti-Angiogenic Therapies

These aim to inhibit abnormal blood vessel formation in diseases such as cancer and eye disorders. Drugs targeting VEGF, such as bevacizumab (Avastin), are used to disrupt tumour angiogenesis, thereby reducing tumour growth and spread.

Pro-Angiogenic Therapies

These therapies aim to stimulate new blood vessel formation to improve tissue repair and recovery in conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and chronic wounds. Growth factors like VEGF and FGF are used in these treatments to enhance healing and restore function to damaged tissues.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy approaches seek to deliver genes encoding angiogenic factors or inhibitors directly to target tissues to modulate angiogenesis in a controlled manner. This approach may provide targeted and long-lasting impacts on vascular remodelling and growth.


In conclusion,aAngiogenesis is a complex and significant process that affects both health and diseases. Its regulation is essential for normal physiological functions such as development, healing, and tissue growth. Conversely, dysregulated angiogenesis can contribute to various pathological conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Advances in our understanding of angiogenesis and the development of targeted therapies offer promising avenues for treating a wide range of medical conditions.

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